Welcome to ExcelByDoing - Essentials

Welcome to the ExcelByDoing - Essentials course!

The pre-requisites for this course are ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. We'll be starting completely from scratch, assuming you've never opened a spreadsheet in your entire life and cover the most important concepts and features you need to know to begin your journey towards mastery of Microsoft Excel. You have the benefit of learning Microsoft Excel in the era where you can create and edit files directly in your browser and this course takes advantage of this ability so you don't have to download or pay for anything.

The first thing you need to do is to sign up for a free "Office Online" account HERE. There are some limitations compared to a paid subscription to O365 where you can download and sync your files between Excel Desktop and Excel Online, but we won't reach those limitations in this course. You can download Excel Desktop for free HERE but after the trial ends you won't be able to save files without a license (but you can still open excel files and edit them).

Most importantly, you'll learn Excel by actually solving problems using genuine Excel, not by just watching others do stuff. There are some important things about the course that make it the best possible place to learn Excel:

  1. You can complete most exercises directly within the embedded spreadsheet on this website, within Excel Online, or within Excel Desktop. Whatever best suits you depending on rigor of the problem and the tools you find most helpful for the task.
  2. The exercises enable you to solve real problems using Excel Formulas (not just conceptual quizzes) and it will give you feedback if your have the correct answer. The real-world assessment at the end of this course includes feedback to detect whether you're using formulas and will give you feedback to encourage you to do so.
  3. You can complete this course on any device and set your playback speed in your profile if you'd like to speed things up. To access this course on your mobile device or tablet, download MyTeachable HERE for iOS (Android is not yet available but you can login to the course at learn.excelbydoing.com in your Chrome browser)

The science of learning is absolutely definitive that the more engaged you are in learning new concepts or skills, the more likely you are to remember it and utilize them later when it matters. This course is different in that you will be required to immediately apply what you learn as soon as a new concept or idea is taught. There is no cognitive freeloading allowed. The only way to learn is by doing.

As a result, each topic of the course follows the same structure to help you remain active and engaged in what you're learning. Specifically, you'll encounter the following sequence for each new topic in the course:

  1. Topic Introduction: A high-level video introduction of the new topic to learn why it matters via real-world examples.
  2. Walk-through Example: A step-by-step screen recording of the topic explained within Excel itself.
  3. "ByDoing" Exercise: A hands on application of what you learned with real-time feedback of correctness.

We built this course to be what we wish we would have had when learning excel at the beginning of our career but it is not for the faint of heart. We know if you put in the work to learn the more challenging but more effective "ByDoing" way that you'll make massive gains in your new highly employable skills.

Are you ready to get started? Click the "Completion & continue" button at the top of the page get this party started 👆

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